




Cai X, Tanner EEL, Lin C, Ngamchuea K, Foord JS, Compton RG, The Mechanism of Electrochemical Reduction of Hydrogen Peroxide on Silver Nanoparticles, PhysicalChemistry Chemical Physics20181608-1614

Ngamchuea K, Chaisiwamongkhol K, Batchelor-McAuley C, Compton RG, Chemical analysis in saliva and the search for salivary biomarkers – A tutorial review, Analyst201881-99

Ngamchuea K, Batchelor-McAuley C, Compton RG, Understanding electroanalytical measurements in authentic human saliva leading to the detection of salivary uric acid, Sensors & ActuatorsBChemical2018404-410

Ngamchuea K, Batchelor-McAuley C, Compton RG, The fate of silver nanoparticles in authentic human saliva, Nanotoxicology2018, 305-311

Ngamchuea K, Batchelor-McAuley C, Williams C, Godlewska B, Sharpley A, Cowen PJ, Compton RG, Salivary glutathione in bipolar disordera pilot study, Journal of affective disorders2018, 277-280

Tanner EEL, Sokolov SV, Ngamchuea K, Palgrave RG, Compton RG, Quantifying the polymeric capping of nanoparticles with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, ChemPhysChem2018, 1341-1343

Little C, Batchelor-McAuley C, Ngamchuea K, Lin C, Young N, Compton RG, Coupled optical and electrochemical probing of silver nanoparticle dissolution in a reaction layer, ChemistryOpen2018, 370-380

Ngamchuea KBatchelor-McAuley C, Compton RG, Anodic stripping voltammetry of silver in the absence of electrolytes: Theory and experimentJournal of Electroanalytical Chemistry2018122-130

Batchelor-McAuley C, Ngamchuea K, Compton RG, Simulated low-support voltammetry: Deviations from Ohm's LawJournal of Electroanalytical Chemistry2018, 88-94

Ngamchuea K, Batchelor-McAuley C, Compton RG, Rapid method for the quantification of reduced and oxidized glutathione in human plasma and saliva, Analytical Chemistry20172901-2908

Ngamchuea K, Lin C, Batchelor-McAuley C, Compton RG, Supported microwires for electroanalysissensitive amperometric detection of reduced glutathione, Analytical Chemistry, 20173780-3786

Ngamchuea K, Batchelor-McAuley C, Sokolov SV, Compton RG,Dynamics of silver nanoparticles in aqueous solution in the presence of metal ions, Analytical Chemistry201710208-10215

Ngamchuea K, Clark R, Batchelor-McAuley C, Sokolov SV, Young NP, Compton RG, Single collision events of silver nanoparticlesunderstanding the rate-determining process of silver oxidation, Chemistry A European Journal201716085-16096

Clark R, Ngamchuea K, Batchelor-McAuley C, Compton RG, Electrochemical measurement of the dissolved oxygen concentration in water in the absence of deliberately added supporting electrolyte, Electroanalysis2017, 1418-1425

Chaisiwamongkhol K, Ngamchuea K, Batchelor-McAuley C, Compton RG, Multiwalled carbon nanotube modified electrodes for the adsorptive stripping voltammetric determination and quantification of curcumin in turmeric, Electroanalysis20171049-1055

Suherman A, Ngamchuea K, Tanner EEL, Sokolov SV, Holter J, Young NP, Compton RG, Electrochemical detection of ultra-trace (pico-molarlevels of Hg2+using a silver nanoparticle-modified glassy carbon electrode, Analytical Chemistry20177166-7173

Krattiyavathananon A, Ngamchuea K, Li X, Batchelor-McAuley C, Kätelhön E, Chaisiwamongkhol K, Sawangphruk M, Compton RG, Improving single-carbon nanotube-electrode contacts using molecular electronics, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters20173908-3911

Elliott J, Ngamchuea K, Batchelor-McAuley C, Compton RG, Martian redox chemistryoxygen reduction in low temperature magnesium perchlorate brines, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters20176171-6175

Ngamchuea K, Hurst P, Batchelor-McAuley C, Compton RG, Handheld electrochemical device for the determination of the strength of garlic, Sensors & ActuatorsBChemical2016138-142

Ngamchuea K, Batchelor-McAuley C, Cowen PJ, Williams C, Gonçalvesc LM, Compton RG, Can saliva testing replace blood measurements for health monitoring? Insights from a correlation study of salivary and whole blood glutathione in humans, Analyst20164707-4712

Ngamchuea K, Batchelor-McAuley C, Compton RG, Thecopper(II)-catalyzed oxidation of glutathione, Chemistry A European Journal201615937-15944

Chaisiwamongkhol K, Ngamchuea K, Batchelor-McAuley C, Compton RG, Electrochemical detection and quantification of gingerol species in ginger (Zingiber officinaleusing multiwalled carbon nanotube modified electrodes, Analyst, 2016, 6321-6328

Ngamchuea K, Tschulik K, Eloul S, Compton RG, In situ detection of particle aggregation on electrode surfaces, ChemPhysChem20152338-2347

Tschulik K, Ngamchuea K (co-first), Ziegler C, Beier MG, Damm C, Eychmueller A, Compton RG, Core-shell nanoparticlescharacterizing multifunctional materials beyond imaging distinguishing and quantifying perfect and broken shells, Advanced Functional Materials20155149-5158

Ngamchuea K, Eloul S, Tschulik K, Compton RG, Advancing from rules of thumbquantifying the effects of small density changes in mass transport to electrodesUnderstanding natural convection, Analytical Chemistry20157226-7234

Ngamchuea K, Tschulik K, Compton RG, Magnetic controlswitchable ultrahigh magnetic gradients at Fe3O4 nanoparticles to enhance solution-phase mass transport, Nano Research20153293-3306

Ngamchuea K, Eloul S, Tschulik K, Compton RG, Planar diffusion to macro disc electrodes what electrode size is required for the Cottrell and Randles-Sevcik equations to apply quantitatively?, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry20143251-3257
